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March 23, 2016

Practice questions for basic linux

by 4hathacker  |  in System Administration at  12:15 AM

 your ip is 192.168.x.y ,you may use ssh,
all password should be 4hathacker

Q.1 -  Make swap of 512Mib , make sure it should be permanent.

Q.2 -  Make an LVM partition ,follow the instuctions below.
         - volume group name should be 4hathackervg 
         - lvm name should be conglv1  , size of 1Gib , formated by ext3 file system.
         - mount it at /mnt/4hathacker  ,make sure it is permanent.

Q.3 -  Make an thin provisioned LVM partition ,follow the instuctions below.
         - volume group name should be 4hathackervg
         - size of volume group should  be 1Gib .
         - lvm name should be 4hathackerthinlv1  ,size of 3Gib 
         - formated by ext4 file system.
         - mount it at /mnt/hathacker  ,make sure it is permanent.

Q.4 - Add a user hacker  having default group manager.

Q.5 - find and copy the all files genrated for user hacker in the /root/yadav.txt
        - it should be in proper order .

Q.6 -  find the all the lines having keystone in /root/Desktop/uu.txt .
          - and put these lines in proper order in  /root/Desktop/yadav.txt  .

Q.7  - follow the instructions:
        - make an directory /project of group named company
        - use sticky bit on it .
        - file or dir. under the /project should be having group as company .
        - make three users named harry , nitin , yadav in this group .
        - harry should have only read & write permission .
        - group company should have full  permission on it  .
        - yadav should have only read only permission .
Q.8 -  Disable root access on your machine via ssh but should be enable                   through telnet . Make it permanent .
Q.9 -  Link two text files for some security reasons.Data coming in one text
          file should automatically copy in second text file.
Q.10 -Brake your linux password at booting time . Let you don't know       
          password. Make it 4hathacker .
Q.12- Find out how many IP's are login to your machine.


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